
Intellectus Education’s research-based approach is reinforced through its close collaboration with international consultants and academics who have cross-cultural and international expertise; amongst which are renowned researchers and educators. Intellectus Education maintains and continuously grows its access to expertise to diversify shared experiences. Appreciating the uniqueness of education requirements, Intellectus Education continuously seeks the best of education talent in addressing specific project requirements.

Learning, Assessment and Knowledge

The importance of assessment and evaluation tools is crucial in identifying how much learning has taken place. Assessing learning versus knowledge is what indicates effectiveness of learning tools and strategies. Intellectus Education closely collaborates with Dr Norman Webb, the developer of the Depth of Knowledge system, which is applied in numerous education systems world-wide.

Norman Webb PhD

Norman Webb, PhD, is a senior research scientist emeritus for the Wisconsin Center for Education Research of the University of Wisconsin-Madison where his principle area of research was evaluation, assessment, and alignment. He is most active now with the nonprofit organization, the Wisconsin Center for Education Products and Services.

WCEPS commercializes and disseminates educational products and services for university innovators. He oversees the design and operations of WebbAlign alignment studies. Since 2000, Dr. Webb has conducted alignment studies for states or commonwealths (Puerto Rico) as well as for other entities including the National Assessment Governing Board. In his position at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the UW-Madison, he developed alignment study procedures and criteria through the National Institute for Science Education in 1997, funded by the National Science Foundation, and in cooperation with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). His work on alignment led to the development of the Depth-of-Knowledge (DOK) language system that has been widely used by schools, school districts and states. Continued work on his alignment methodology, over the curse of 20 years, has resulted in the refinement and addition of processes, including new methodology components for computer adaptive test (CAT) alignment as well as new methodology components for Next Generation Science Standards alignment considerations.

Dr Webb’s academic training was in mathematics and mathematics education. He chaired the evaluation working group in writing the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics and served on the validation committee for the Common Core State Standards. He served as the principal investigator on a number of projects on evaluations of curriculum and professional development. In 2010 and 2011, he served as a program officer for the National Science Foundation (NSF). Currently he provides professional development on the DOK language system and conducts alignment studies of curriculum standards and assessments.